There are many versions on how Urdaneta City officially became URDANETA. One theory suggests its original name is ORGANITA, roughly meaning “litle organ or unit.” This is plausible as it was then a composite of portions of barrios of the adjacent towns where they converged to create one composite pueblo. Some of the theorists, the so-called purists, belie this by saying that the Spanish root word is organo; therefore, the right word should be organito. These theorists cite education at that time was centered in the Poblacion and the people in the hinterlands were neglected, thus resulting to bad grammar. Another contention was that the first “cura parroco” of the town, Fr. Nicolas Alonzo Manrique, during the organization of the publeo in January 8, 1858, named the town “Urdaneta”, in honor of another friar, Fr. Andres de Urdaneta. Fr. Urdaneta was the spiritual adviser of the expedition led by Miguel Lopez de Legaspi which arrived in Cebu to explore the country on April 27, 1565....